We are proud...
We take pride in our collaboration with a diverse clientele, having successfully delivered numerous projects across various industries. Below, you will find a selection of the projects we have meticulously completed, showcasing our proficiency and versatility across different fields.

Diwan Hypermarket
Diwan Hypermarket is your in-hand store to shop your daily groceries easily & safely. Send your order with a few clicks and it will be served immediately from the nearest branch to your place. Stay safe, avoid traffic and enjoy shopping from your second home

Diwan Hypermarket App provides the following services:
- Online Store of groceries, household, bakery, roastery, meat and poultry
- Favorite Items List
- Recipes
- Promotions & Offers
- Multiple Addresses
- Order History
- Loyalty Program
- Cash on Delivery
- Scheduled Orders
- Bilingual: Arabic & English

منار الهدى
برنامج “منار الهدى” يشتمل على العديد من المميزات الهادفة والنافعة، يمكنك من خلال هذا التطبيق الحصول على مقالات محققة ومحررة اختيرت من أعداد مجلة منار الهدى والهدف منها توسيع نطاق نشر مقالات المجلة لإثراء القرّاء بالنافع والمفيد في إطاري حياتهم الدينية والاجتماعية. كما يمكنك استخدام العدّاد الإلكتروني وقراءة الأذكار التي تداوم عليها من خلال هاتفك. وميزة هذا العدّاد أنه يمكنك تسجيل العدد الذي ترغب في الوصول إليه في قراءتك وعندما تبلغ العدد المحدد يعطيك إشارة ببلوغك الرقم المطلوب. كما أنه يقوم بجمع الأرقام التي بلغتها كلما استخدمت هذا العدّاد.
صار بإمكانك أيضا قراءة أوراد التحصين الصباحية والمسائية عبر هاتفك وغيرها من السور المختارة من القرءان أو أذكار أخرى لها مزايا وردت في الشرع. ويحتوي هذا البرنامج أيضًا على صفحة ينزل فيها لوحات إسلامية عالية الدقة محررة يمكنك أن تستخدمها كخلفيات على شاشة هاتفك أو إفادة أصحابك بأدعية وأقوال علماء من حكم ومواعظ وغير ذلك.
في هذا البرنامج أيضا صار بإمكانك المشاركة بالمسابقات التي تقوم بها مجلة منار الهدى في كل موسم من مواسم الخير، والحصول على التقويم الهجري على حسب المراقبة الشرعية التي تقوم بها جمعية المشاريع الخيرية الإسلامية

برنامج “منار الهدى” يشتمل على العديد من المميزات الهادفة والنافعة، من هذه المميزات
- مقالات من مجلة منار الهدى
- العدّاد الإلكتروني
- أوراد تحصين وسور مختارة من القرءان
- تصفح وتنزيل صور إسلامية
- المشاركة في المسابقات المعدّة
- التقويم الهجري

Bycel is an application that can be used by end-users to buy prepaid recharge cards. These cards allow end-users to recharge their mobile numbers with credits so they can place phone calls, send SMS messages and have 4G access. The app also allows end-users to buy a wide range of gift cards. The app is also integrated with many Lebanese suppliers, like Alfa, MTC, BoB and use their APIs for many live services.
The app that is available on both Google Play and App store includes now thousands of users and millions of transactions.

ByCel app provides the following services:
- Prepaid Recharge Cards
- Mobile Recharge Functionality
- Gift Card Purchase
- API Integration

Play My Way is an app that runs on top of all other mobile apps and games, pausing gameplay to ask an education question in Math, Science, and English Language Arts, every few minutes. Kids cannot go back to their game unless they provide the correct answer

PlayMyWay App has the following features:
- Grade specific (from grade 1 through 9)
- Parents have complete control over chapters, units, and time between questions
- 60,000+ questions covering Math, English, and Science
- Parents access a detailed report to check their kids’ performance
- Two modes: in-game mode (interrupting gameplay) and quiz mode (consecutive questions)
- Freemium with a monthly premium subscription for $2.99
- Servers
- Firewalls
- Routers
- Switches
- Storage Devices
- Handheld Devices
- Laptops & PCs
- Printers & Scanners
We can develop the following for you:
- Desktop Applications for Windows
- Mobile Apps for iOS
- Mobile Apps for Android
- Web Applications
Scope team can build & maintain 5 types of networks:
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
- Wide Area Network (WAN)
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Virtual Local Network (VLAN)
In summary, we take care of all of the above, to keep you safe and operational. We have all the expertise to maintain your network and protect it. Below are some images related to some networks that we built.
We can also audit your network to discover any security or implementation issues and provide you with the proper recommendation.
Contact Scope for IT Services today to learn more about the services we provide to maintain your infrastructure, as well as how to use the power of latest technology to reduce the responsibility related to your on-premises IT infrastructure.
Installing an ERP to help your business grow is a cornerstone in today’s businesses and that is our mission at Scope for IT Services. We understand the needs of our clients and achieve the perfect implementation that satisfy their business needs.
Among the many happy customers are Mandara Equestrian Equipment Trading, Global University, Diwan Group, IDCMI, and many more.

Our secret sauce is Dynamics 365 Business Central, which is an ERP system that provides businesses with an end-to-end solution for connecting and managing all processes (such as sales, purchasing, accounting, plus general reporting).
Our team of experts will discover your business, collect requirements, propose a plan for you and do the a full-fledge deployment.
Instead of using a local ERP, it is much better to use an international standardized ERP solution to serve your business. The advantages of using such an international software are many, such as:
- There is a partner to support your business in almost every country around the world.
- You are using a standard package that applies the best measures when it comes to finance, accounting, stock management, …
- If you are not happy with the support provided to you by one vendor, you can easily move to another vendor since you are using a well-known ERP.
- Your software is always up to date
Our customers are happy with what we do. The way we implement the ERP system makes them feel we are their partners, not their supplier. We engineer their processes, solve their problems, train their users, and achieve a complete successful implementation.
All what you have to do is to give us your requirements, so we do the rest. You can count on us for that!
This is the main reason why Scope exists … so you ask for the best and we do the rest.